Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Receive Anti-Aging Benefits with Exercise

Vigorous exercise helps prevent aging at the cellular level.
According to a new study, funded by The German Research Association and the University of Saarland, and published in "Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association," intense exercise acts to help prevent the shortening of telomeres. The gradual shortening of telomeres through cell divisions leads to aging at the cellular level. The study findings were released online Nov. 30, 2009 in advance of publication in an upcoming print issue of "Circulation". It follows up on the work done by Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, and Jack W. Szostak, who won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine for their work in showing how during cell division, telomere length is shortened. Read more

Monday, December 28, 2009

Banish the Winter Blues Naturally

Tom Sykes used to think that the "winter blues" were a con, but now he's seen the light, and he explains how you can, too.
Seasonal affective disorder – SAD – was something I used to think people made up as an excuse to be grumpy.

Seriously, how could a lack of sunlight make you depressed?

And then I returned to the UK after living in America for four years.

One of the things I loved most about America – even more than free coffee refills – was the crisp, sunny winters. Even between December and February, you can average five hours of sunshine per day.

In London, we get one hour in December, and two in January and February.

My first winter in the UK for four years hit me with an almighty wallop. On the outside everything was going well – our first child was even sleeping through the night – so why did I want to crawl under the duvet and stay there until June?

A friend suggested I might suffer from SAD, but I pooh-poohed her suggestion. Read more

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boost Your Immune System with Power Foods and Vitamin D

You already know most of the common sense techniques for avoiding the flu, be it the swine flu, a standard flu, or even a common cold. This article explores "power foods" that help build your defenses by enhancing your immune system. Combine these super foods with common sense and you will be prepared for any flu that comes your way.
With the threat of the H1N1 flu virus this year, you might want to trade the sugary treats for some “power foods” to boost your immune system.

Nutritionists agree that by adding “super foods” to your diet, you may keep the flu at bay. Christen Sherwood, owner of the Healing House Center for Natural Health in Clear Lake, said that one such power food — elderberries — are “proven to work as good as Tamiflu.” Read more

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Vitamin E Injections Shrinks Tumors in a Day

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient the human body needs to function normally. British researchers say injecting an extract of vitamin E shrank tumors within a day. Could taking a relatively inexpensive full spectrum vitamin E supplement serve as a preventative for cancer? You'll have to be an experiment of one if you want to try it because you can bet researchers won't be testing that.
A vitamin jab that shrinks tumours in a day is being hailed as a powerful new treatment for cancer.

British researchers who are testing the therapy say injecting an extract of vitamin E into the bloodstream has a rapid effect.

Within 24 hours, tumours begin to shrivel and after ten days they have almost completely disappeared. Read more

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do Cold Temperatures Improve Sleep?

If insomnia is a problem, maybe your bedroom is too hot or too cold. Both can affect sleep.
Studies have found that in general, the optimal temperature for sleep is quite cool, around 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures that fall too far below or above this range can lead to restlessness.

Temperatures in this range help facilitate the decrease in core body temperature that in turn initiates sleepiness. A growing number of studies are finding that temperature regulation plays a role in many cases of chronic insomnia. Read more

Friday, December 18, 2009

Brutal 500 Rep Workout

If you're looking for a burnout workout, Zuzana at demonstrates a brutal five hundred rep workout - ten exercises of fifty reps each.
Today’s workout was awesome! Very intense, but also quite long. It took me exactly 35 minutes and 55 seconds. It might sound strange, but I was actually enjoying the pain from the burn. Now I feel that I really deserve the active rest tomorrow. So what was this workout all about? I did 10 different exercises and 50 reps for each of them. It is a time challenge so try to be moving through the exercises without taking any long breaks. What slowed me down were the push ups and although I started with regular push ups – I had to switch to the easier variations. The turkish get ups are also quite brutal and took me the most amount of time. Read more

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cannabis Mouth Spray Gives Pain Relief for Cancer Victims

Cannabis or medical marijuana can successfully treat a myriad of conditions and diseases without the typical side effects that prescription pharmaceuticals may have. One new use is a cannabis mouth spray that reduces pain in cancer patients who were not helped by morphine or other pain relievers.
Cancer patients who used a cannabis mouth spray had their pain levels reduced by a third, researchers said today.

The cannabis-based spray, like a mouth freshener, was used on 177 patients by researchers from Edinburgh University.

They found that it reduced pain levels by 30 per cent in a group of cancer patients, all in the Edinburgh area, who had not been helped by morphine or other medicines.

The spray was developed so that it did not affect the mental state of patients in the way that using cannabis would. Read more

Monday, December 14, 2009

Massage Your Testicles to Better Health

The testicles are two small oval-shaped organs that hang below the penis in a pouch of skin called the scrotum. From the age of puberty, the testicles produce sperm which can fertilize the female egg. The testicles are also responsible for producing the hormone testosterone.

Testicle massage improves the blood circulation to the testicles, which also boosts your production of testosterone. Massaging your testicles regularly will improve your erections, ejaculation volume, and sperm count. Testicle massage will even increase the size of your testicles so that they are lower hanging, fuller feeling, heavier, and more sensitive.

This exercise explains how to increase blood circulation to your testicles to promote all-round better function and health. Before doing anything, soak a wash cloth under a hot faucet and apply a "hot wrap" to your testicles for about five minutes. This will make them hot and the skin more pliable to stretch and massage. After the hot wrap is complete, apply some baby oil or another massage oil into your palms and really rub it into the skin of your scrotum, covering all visible areas with oil.

Next, begin to massage all the areas surrounding your testicles, but not the testicles directly. Massage in between your testicles with a pumping motion using your thumb and fingers. Massage at the base, pulling down as you massage. Do this for about three minutes.

Then, take your hands with your fingers spread apart and grip your testicles at the root and lightly pull them down, bring them back up, them pull them down again, over and over for about three minutes.

Next, lightly apply pressure to your testicles, massaging them while doing so. Massage all around them, working your way around both of your testicles. Do this for about three minutes.

Three times a week you should stretch out your testicle skin real well, feeling a good stretch as you pull the skin down. A good stretching method is to grasp around the base of your testicles with your thumb and forefinger and squeeze until your testicles are tight together on top of your thumb and forefinger. Take the other hand and apply a small amount of pressure on top of the testicles and massage them in a circular motion. While you are doing this, pull down lightly of the hand grabbing the base of your testicles connecting flesh. Do this for about three minutes.

After these massaging exercises, your testicles should be stretched out and appear to be hanging lower than normal, as well as appear to be larger. This massaging and stretching routine should be done at least every other day, but daily massage should be performed for optimal testicle health. The testicle massage will leave your entire genital area feeling vibrant and alive, but more importantly, lead to better health and fitness for your testicles.

If you are not happy with the size of your penis, I highly recommend you check out PenisAdvantage. PenisAdvantage provides unique natural penis enlargement exercises that you can try at home to enlarge your penis by 1 to 4 inches naturally without the need for any medication or drugs.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Testosterone, the Hormone That Makes You Kind and Genial

Pop science and the media have been attributing aggressive behavior to the sex hormone testosterone for decades, but research suggests that testosterone may be the source of very different human acts such as kindness, friendliness and fair play..
It is often blamed as the catalyst for aggression and risk taking in humans.

But it seems testosterone may have had a bad press.

The sex hormone may even be the source of very different human acts such as kindness, friendliness and fair play, research suggests. Read more

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Beauty Sleep Is Real

Sleeping Beauty may have had the ultimate secret to looking great and maintaining the soft, dewy skin of youth. The best skin-care treatment may be a good night's sleep.
It's a universal truth: When you're in your 20s, you can stay out all night and look fresh the next morning. Unfortunately, as we age, lack of sleep affects us more deeply and shows more prominently on our faces -- lackluster complexions, dark circles, fine lines and, in more extreme cases, rashes and eczema.

Progressive loss of cellular water may be one reason sleepless nights affect our skin more visibly as we age, says board-certified dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad. Water retention is key to keeping skin moisturized and supple, which can translate to fewer lines and a smoother complexion. Read more

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Best Way to Prevent Colds and Flu: Vitamin D

As the weather becomes colder and we stay indoors more, people often catch colds or other viruses. Dr. Joseph Mercola says that taking vitamin D is the number one way to combat colds or flu.
... Many people believe that colds and flu are caused by bacteria, but this is simply incorrect. Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and using antibiotics to treat a viral infection is inappropriate and completely ineffective.

Viruses are orders of magnitude smaller than bacteria and have entirely different structures that make antibiotics useless. (Occasionally antibiotics are required if there is a secondary bacterial sinus infection or bronchitis/pneumonia, but this is the rare exception.)

It is also important to recognize that, although a virus triggers your cold or flu symptoms, it is not the real cause of the illness.

So, what is the real cause of colds and flu?

My simple and short answer has always been that it’s due to an impaired immune system. That’s still true. However, research has confirmed that “catching” colds and flu may be a symptom of an underlying vitamin D deficiency! Less than optimal vitamin D levels will significantly impair your immune response and make you far more susceptible to contracting colds, influenza, and other respiratory infections.

Although there are many ways you might end up with a weakened immune system, the more common contributing factors are: Read more

Friday, December 4, 2009

Cures for the Common Hangover: Survival Tips for the Holidays

'Tis the season to celebrate, but beware! One too many glasses of eggnog at the office holiday party, or a bit more bubbly than you anticipated on New Year's Eve, and you're likely to find yourself feeling less than cheerful the day after. Is there a cure for the common hangover? The Times gives serious party goers some morning after tips.
It’s the time of year, as Christmas partying gets under way, when the shelves of pharmacies and healthfood shops groan under the weight of supplements that supposedly prevent hangovers. Whereas in the past we had only the “plink, plink, fizz” of Alka-Seltzer, now there is a proliferation of cures. But do any of them really protect you from the worst effects of alcohol?

All of them will target at least one of the damaging effects of alcohol. We feel dreadful after drinking because of dehydration, the build-up of destructive chemicals created when the liver tries to break down alcohol, shortages of minerals and vitamins, the loss of sugar stores and poisons in our blood from impurities in alcoholic drinks. The label of some products will state which side-effects they aim to prevent. So which products do what, and which ones are worth buying? Read more

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

20 Minute Tabata Interval Cardio Workout

Fitness experts have long acknowledged that intervals are one of the best ways to maintain and increase fitness performance. However, it wasn't until American fitness experts found the studies of a Japanese researcher by the name of Tabata that they realized the full potential of intervals. Dr. Tabata's now-famous research found that doing exercises in bursts of 20 seconds of full intensity with 10 second breaks provides a level of fitness conditioning that is significantly higher than that of other methods. Zuzana of presents a 20 minute Tabata interval workout. Here's part one:

View the next four videos for this workout

Monday, November 30, 2009

3 Ways to Increase HGH without Injections, Sprays, or Pills

The pituitary gland, located in the center of the brain, produces Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH stimulates the growth of tissues and is most active in puberty. HGH has been proven to increase bone density, increase muscle mass, decrease body fat, strengthen the heart and increase blood vessel elasticity. Unfortunately, HGH production slows with age, but the body never stops producing HGH and never loses the ability to produce high levels. Fitness Black Book discusses three way to increase HGH without injections, sprays, or pills.
Time to talk about your body's potent fat burning hormone: HGH. I wanted to let you guys know up front that this post isn't a grand scheme to sell some sort of HGH supplement. There are some pills and supplements that can make a little difference, but this article will be dedicated to increasing your Human Growth Hormone (HGH) with just a solid diet and exercise routine. I've talked in passing about HGH in the past, but felt the need for a post that goes a bit more in depth.

[The science behind HGH is as simple or as complex as you want to make it. I will touch on how HGH works in your body, but mainly focus on actions you can take to increase this natural fat burning hormone in your body. Read more

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Lose Weight, Be Smarter, Live Longer Diet

The mainstream media has discovered intermittent fasting: the diet that won't just help you lose weight, but also live longer and be smarter!
As all dieters will know, there is nothing more tedious than counting calories or weighing foods for a meal plan. Especially if you then don't lose weight.

But there's now an effective weight-loss regimen that is not only simple, it promises significant health benefits - from easing asthma symptoms and reducing blood sugar levels, to fending off heart disease and breast cancer and protecting brain cells. Apparently, you'll also live longer.

The diet goes under various names - The Alternate-Day Diet, Intermittent Fasting or The Longevity Diet - but the principle is the same: eat very little one day (50 per cent of your normal intake) and as much as you like the next.

This appears to trigger a 'skinny' gene that encourages the body to burn fat. Read more
The Alternate-Day Diet, is not the only way to practice intermittent fasting. Read Intermittent Fasting 101.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can Women Do Bodyweight Exercise Workouts?

Women tend to believe that bodyweight exercise workouts are too hard for them to do. Of course, that is completely wrong. This video shows a woman doing a bodyweight exercise routine that a lot of men couldn't do. These exercises take some time to work up to, but isn't working hard to improve what it's all about?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Too Much Endurance Exercise May Reduce Bone Density

Want to strengthen your bones? Buy a jump rope. Want to weaken them? Become an endurance athlete, says a new bone study.
... Too much endurance exercise, it appears, may reduce bone density. In one small study completed by Dr. Barry and his colleagues, competitive cyclists lost bone density over the course of a long training season. Dr. Barry says that it’s possible, but not yet proved, that exercise that is too prolonged or intense may lead to excessive calcium loss through sweat. The body’s endocrine system may interpret this loss of calcium as serious enough to warrant leaching the mineral from bone. Dr. Barry is in the middle of a long-term study to determine whether supplementing with calcium-fortified chews before and after exercise reduces the bone-thinning response in competitive cyclists. He expects results in a year or so.

In the meantime, the current state-of-the-science message about exercise and bone building may be that, silly as it sounds, the best exercise is to simply jump up and down, for as long as the downstairs neighbor will tolerate. Read more

Friday, November 20, 2009

You're as Old as You EAT: Guide to Anti-Aging Food

While aging is inevitable, physical decrepitude is not. Many of the outwards signs of growing old can be slowed - and life may even be prolonged - by eating key foods that have been show to an ally against aging.
Keeping in peak condition in old age can be boosted by nutrition, which scientists are proving is a powerful weapon in fighting off diseases. As new research shows that olive oil could play a vital role in protecting against dementia, we look at the key foods that have shown to be an ally against ageing. Read more

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Antidepressants Don't Cure Depression

Antidepressants don't cure depression, says Dr. Joseph Mercola. He explains why the two beliefs underlying the drugs currently used to treat depression may be incorrect and suggests natural remedies to use instead.
The majority of people who take antidepressants for depression never get relief. Why? Because the cause of depression has been oversimplified, and drugs designed to treat it aim at the wrong target, according to a new study that appears to topple some strongly held beliefs about depression.

One is that stressful life events are a major cause of depression. The other is that an imbalance in neurotransmitters in the brain triggers depressive symptoms.

These beliefs were the basis for the drugs currently used to treat depression, and it appears they may both be incorrect. Read more

Monday, November 16, 2009

How to Get Six-Pack Abs without Doing Crunches

Assuming that your body fat is low enough, it takes very little abdominal work to get six-pack abs. I am absolutely convinced that most of the crunches and twists that you see people perform in the gym are a waste of time. I only do two exercises, and I believe that's all anyone needs. The first one is the plank, and the second is the stomach vacuum. The entire program totals eight minutes maximum, and you only need to do it every other day .

How to Perform the Plank

To perform the front plank, lie face down on mat with your elbows resting on floor next to chest. Push your body off the floor in a push-up position with your body supported by your forearms instead of your hands. Contract the abs and keep your body in a straight line from head to toes.

To do a side plank, position yourself so that only the forearm of your right hand plus the right side of your hips and legs are in contact with the floor. Position your other hand either palm down onto the mat in front of you, on your hip, or behind your head. Set your right leg directly atop the other. Inhale and contract your abdominal muscles, pulling them inward. Repeat on the other side.

Start with 30 second holds and then work up to two minutes of the front plank and one minute of the side plank on each side.

How to Perform the Stomach Vacuum

Your abdominal muscles have both internal and external sections. The most direct method for working your inner abdominal muscles is the stomach vacuum exercise. The stomach vacuum is one of the best exercises you can perform to shrink your waistline in a very short amount of time.

To execute the stomach vacuum, stand upright and place your hands on your hips, and exhale all the air out of your lungs. Expand your chest, and bring your stomach in as much as possible, and hold. Visualize trying to touch your navel to your backbone. This is an isometric contraction, like flexing your biceps. You breathe normally while flexing your biceps, and you should breathe normally while executing the stomach vacuum.

After you perfect the form, increase your holds by following this schedule:

1. Week 1: Do 3 sets of 20-second holds with 30 seconds rest between sets
2. Week 2: Do 3 sets of 40-second holds with 30 seconds rest between sets
3. Week 3: Do 3 sets of 60-second holds with 30 seconds rest between sets

Remember that although this routine will make your abs toned and defined, they still won't be visible unless your body fat is low enough. The best way to strip the fat from your midsection is a low-carb diet. While exercise preserves your muscle mass and can help boost your metabolism, most fat loss will come from your diet.

For a free mini course on how to simultaneously improve strength and conditioning while burning fat, click here. Read my review of the two best bodyweight exercise courses you can choose.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Vitamin D: How to Determine Your Optimal Dose

Vitamin D has recently been recognized as being necessary for humans to maintain optimal health and wellness to the point at which some consider vitamin D to be a “miracle substance” that prevents a number of diseases, including various cancers, coronary heart disease, diabetes and multiple sclerosis, as well as several autoimmune and neurological diseases. The recommended daily allowances are useless, so how do you determine your optimal dose?
In the wide world of supplements, vitamin D is the superstar. For the last few years, this humble nutrient has been featured prominently in allopathic and alternative circles alike. It has basked in the rays of media publicity, and has survived an onslaught of scientific scrutiny. And while such widespread publicity is often good cause for skepticism in the realm of health and medicine, vitamin D appears to be the real deal. Whether we`re talking about heart disease, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or Alzheimer`s disease, the "sunshine vitamin" delivers benefits unseen before our time (1).

Given the remarkably powerful benefits of vitamin D, many find themselves wondering how to actually go about obtaining it. We know that vitamin D is good for us, but how much do we need, and where do we get it? Most people know that sunlight is somehow involved in vitamin D production, but is sunlight alone sufficient to produce the incredible results demonstrated by recent vitamin D research? What about supplements? There are so many different preparations - with doses ranging from 400 IU to 50,000 IU - that it can get a little confusing. Are such supplements necessary, and if so, how much should we be taking? Read more

Top Nutritional Tips to Support Healthy Hair Growth

The quality of your hair reflects in part the adequacy of your diet: regular, well-balanced meals are best for you and your hair. The following are the top nutritional tips to support health hair growth:

1) Eat adequate amounts of protein.

Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine. Inadequate protein intake over a lengthy period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. It is obvious then that sufficient portions of protein rich foods should form part of your daily diet. The best sources of dietary protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, soy, nuts, grains, and seeds. At least 15-20% of your daily calories should come from protein-rich foods.

2) Eat adequate amounts of useful carbohydrates.

Carbs are an essential source of energy and help in the growth of body tissues, including hair. They are an important source of the B vitamins that are vital to healthy hair. It is important that you concentrate on consuming non-refined carbs rather than the sugars and white flour that are so prevalent in many over-refined carb products. You should place an emphasis on consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice, and potatoes. It is recommended that you obtain 30-45% of your daily calories from the carbohydrates found in these foods.

3) Achieve a healthy balance of dietary fats.

Fat is used in energy production and can be found in both animal and plant foods. Your body needs sufficient levels of fat to maintain good health. That fat should be obtained from a mixture of animal and plant sources. Roughly 40-50% of your daily calories should come from these good fats.

4) The right nutritional balance is one that suits your personal circumstances.

How much of each food group you eat depends on a host of factors including age, sex, health and level of physical activity. When choosing meals and snacks, take account of the following key principles of sound nutrition:
  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Apply moderation to your consumption of junk foods.
  • Choose natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible.
  • Do not overcook.
5) Support a nutritious diet with a few carefully chosen supplements.

Following a nutritious diet is essential for good hair health, but on its own this may not be sufficient for a number of reasons:
  • Modern farming methods may deplete the nutrient quality of food.
  • High stress levels may diminish nutrients in your body.
  • Dieting may affect nutrient levels.
  • Aging reduces the ability of our bodies to utilize certain nutrients.
  • Exercise can deplete some nutrients.
It may be sufficient to supplement with a well-balanced multi-vitamin/mineral product, but a number of products are available that specifically cater for the requirements of healthy hair.

For more information about inexpensive, natural programs to reverse hair loss, read my review of the two best programs I've found to reverse hair loss at my blog Reverse Hair Loss.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Dumbbell Bear

The Dumbbell Bear is a simple, but effective, dumbbell workout consisting of 5 DB deadlifts, 5 DB hang cleans, and 5 DB thrusters every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.

Monday, November 9, 2009

More Strength Means Lower Alzheimer's Risk

Greater muscle strength has been linked to a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment.
Older people with stronger muscles are at reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to their weaker peers, a new study shows.

Dr. Patricia A. Boyle of Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center in Chicago and her colleagues found that the greater a person's muscle strength, the lower their likelihood of being diagnosed with Alzheimer's over a four-year period. The same was true for the loss of mental function that often precedes full-blown Alzheimer's.

Studies have linked grip strength to Alzheimer's, while a person's weight and level of physical activity also influence risk of the disease. To date, however, no one has studied whether muscle strength in and of itself might play a role in dementia risk, Boyle and her team note in November's Annals of Neurology. Read more

Friday, October 30, 2009

3 Tips to Help Prevent Hair Loss

Baldness or hair loss is one of the most dreaded situations people can find themselves in. This is because this will not only affect their overall physical appearance, but can also affect their emotional status as well. Pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia can affect both men and women.

In men, pattern baldness can lead to thinning hair and receding of hairlines even at an early age. Eventually, this condition may lead them to total or partial baldness. In women, pattern baldness may come at a much later age and does not lead them to total baldness. Usually, the thinning hair manifests at their temples and hairlines.

Prevention as the key

People who have risks for pattern baldness can slow the rate of hair loss or even reverse it through various treatments. Prevention can be the key to avoiding eventual total baldness. The following are three tips to help prevent hair loss:

1) Proper diet.

Having a diet that is balanced is one of the major keys to prevent excessive hair loss. Eating foods that are nutritious especially for the hair can be an effective tool to fight against the signs of hair loss. People who are experiencing hair loss because they are undernourished should take time to make a diet plan which can provide sufficient nutrients not only for the hair, but for the overall health as well.

2) Developing good hair habits.

Unhealthy hair habits such as improper handling of the hair can lead to excessive hair loss. People, especially those who have sensitive scalp, should ensure that they handle their hair gently especially when it's wet. Proper handling to wet hair is very important because the hair is weaker when wet. If possible, opt for natural air drying methods instead of using electronic ones such as blower.

3) Don’t twist, rub or pull your hair.

People who twist, rub, or pull their hair often experience hair loss . If it has become a habit, try to break it. You can do this by focusing on other things instead of putting too much pressure on your hair and on your scalp.

Did you know that most hair loss is NOT genetic? The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. To discover how to stop your hair loss and regrow most, if not all of your lost hair, within weeks, click here!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dumbbell Blaster

The Dumbbell Blaster is a simple, but effective, dumbbell workout consisting of 5 rounds of 3 Turkish get-upss 4 DB snatches, 5 DB thrusters, and 6 DB swings (each arm).

Monday, October 26, 2009

Use Vitamin D to Fight Off Winter Back Aches, Pain

A new report recommends that everyone should consider taking extra vitamin D during winter months, especially if you have back aches and pains.
It's no wonder that many people feel extra soreness and aches in their backs during winter months -- they're often not getting enough vitamin D. The body makes vitamin D from the sun's ultraviolet rays, so it's known as the sunshine vitamin. However, even in the sunniest parts of America, this essential vitamin for keeping bones healthy is in short supply during late fall and winter.

Up to 8 out of 10 persons will have back pain in their lifetimes. In many cases, there is no evidence of any injury, disease, or bone problem like a slipped disk. An extensive review of clinical research in a report from Pain Treatment Topics found that help may be available from a surprising champion of pain relief Vitamin D. Read more

Friday, October 23, 2009

Route To Healthier Hair: Hair Loss Remedy

Is your hair getting thinner month after month? Are you looking for ways to treat hair loss? If yes, then read the following article. The hair loss remedy mentioned below can prompt hair growth.
We lose around 20- 100 hair strands every day without noticing it. Almost everyone is looking for the best hair care treatment either to get silky hair or to get rid of hair loss. Proper hair care treatment can give you thick, lustrous, beautiful, and dandruff-free hair.

The growth of hair is governed by hormones that appear after puberty. The male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen govern body hair, hair in the armpits, beard, hair on chin, etc. Usually when the level of estrogen drops in women, signs of hair loss or baldness are seen. Following a proper hair care routine can help you to recover your lost hair.
  • Eat a diet containing adequate amount of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats etc.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • In order to compensate for copper deficiency, consume carrot juice, lettuce, capsicum, and alfalfa.They are good remedies for hair loss and prevent hair from graying.
  • Massage the scalp with warm almond or olive oil to help stimulate the blood flow in the scalp. This in turn strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair from falling.
  • Avoid applying hair creams, gels, and other chemicals in hair as they make them lose moisture and make them brittle.
  • Remove chlorine properly from your hair after swimming.
  • Make a hair pack by mixing Indian goose berry with egg. Apply it twice a week on hair to make them thick and glossy.
  • Hot air and heat makes your hair dry. Always cover your head before going out in sun.
  • Blow drying hair removes moisture and aggravates hair loss. Try to air dry your hair. Stand under the fan and run your fingers gently through the hair strands making them dry.
  • Do not use a brush on wet hair. Use a wide toothed comb instead.
  • Stress is one of the major causes for hair loss. Regular yoga and meditation can relieve your worries, thus preventing hair from falling.
A number of hair care products are available in the market. Shop around for the best product that can treat your hair right and help you get healthy and lustrous hair.

Hair determines a person’s appearance. It is an important aspect of your overall appearance. Follow the hair loss remedies and eliminate your hair loss problems effectively.

Did you know that most hair loss is NOT genetic? The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. To discover how to stop your hair loss and regrow most, if not all of your lost hair, within weeks, click here!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fight Off Aging with the Right Foods

Aging is a normal part of life, and we’re living longer and longer. As you get older, good nutrition plays an increasingly important role in how well you age.
Keeping in peak condition in old age can be boosted by nutrition, which scientists are proving is a powerful weapon in fighting off diseases. As new research shows that olive oil could play a vital role in protecting against dementia, we look at the key foods that have shown to be an ally against ageing.


Using olive oil as much as possible could preserve your memory and your heart. Oleocanthal, a compound in olive oil, has been found to slow down changes in the brain that lead to Alzheimer's. Researchers believe it will become a key ingredient in medicines designed to combat the disease.

Alzheimer's disease is thought to occur when a protein called ADDL attacks brain cells. Scientists at the University of Philadelphia discovered that oleocanthal in olive oil changes ADDL in a way that makes it harmless. Read more

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Simple Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure, and Lose Weight Too

There's a simple to lower your blood pressure and lose weight, too: avoid fructose, especially high fructose corn syrup.
A diet high in fructose, a form of sugar found in sweetened soft drinks and junk food, raises blood pressure in men.

Two recent studies provided the first evidence that fructose helps raise blood pressure. One study further suggested that people who consume junk foods and sweetened soft drinks at night could gain weight faster than those who don't.

Fructose accounts for about half the sugar molecules in table sugar and in high-fructose corn syrup, the sweetener used in many packaged foods. Read more

Friday, October 16, 2009

Understand Hair Loss and How You Can Reverse It

There is no magic potion that will instantly give you back a full crop of thick, lush hair. However, if we look at the way advances in hair loss treatments have evolved recently, perhaps we're not far from it.

Hair loss can be caused by many factors, the most common being Pattern Baldness which affects more then 40% of the male population. Women also suffer from hair loss, although the causes can be quite different than in men. Baldness can be quite a distressful condition for millions of men and women and can lead to psychological problems and feelings of self-worthlessness. But the scientific discoveries in recent years have made the treatments for balding more effective, and like all medical conditions, if you act on the problem when it is in it's infancy, you've got a better chance of minimizing the effects, or even reversing the condition.

The causes for hair loss are many and varied. Genetic 'Pattern Baldness' is the most common, but there are other very common causes such as Hormonal Imbalance, Illness, Poor Diet, Poor Hygiene, Drug Abuse and Stress. These are just the core issues that contribute to the hair loss. To get a better understanding of exactly how the hair stops to reproduce entails a bit of a scientific look at how hair actually grows .....

Hair grows in three stages. In the first stage (Anagen) a new hair is produced and this is the stage where most growth occurs. Next, in the Catagen (Regressive) stage, the hair has stopped growing but is yet to shed. In the final stage (Telogen) the hair is resting and eventually falls out, and a new one begins to grow. In Pattern Baldness, DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) miniaturizes hair follicles by shortening the Anagen (growth) stage and at the same time can also lengthen the Telogen (resting) stage. This is usually a gradual process, and the end result is an increase in the number of short, thin hairs which are barely visible above the scalp.

There is hope, because while any hair is growing then various treatments can be administered to re-balance/block the DHT and promote healthier hair growth once again. There is no single hair loss treatment that works for everyone. In fact, it would be quite amazing if somoene used a single baldness treatment that completely solved their problem. The best hair loss treatment is in fact a combination of the best known products in a way that is tailored to your individual circumstances.

Generally, the most effective regime for preventing/reversing hair loss is a combination of three or four products:

1) DHT Inhibitors - Work to inhibit the negative effects of DHT
2) Growth Stimulators - artificially stimulate growth in the hair follicle
3) Hair vitamins - these products actually provide all the clinical proven vitamins and minerals required to help hair grow to its fullest and thickest
4) Hair and Scalp Cleaners - these products provide proper hair and scalp hygiene and nutrition.

In all cases, the most effective hair loss treatment will involve a combination of the above options. That is because there is no single solution that tackles the cause and the effect of baldness in everyone.

For more information about inexpensive, natural programs to reverse hair loss, read my review of the two best programs I've found to reverse hair loss at my blog Reverse Hair Loss.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Capsaicin Could Stop a Heart Attack in Progress, Scientists Find

Scientists have confirmed one of the claims of legendary herbalist Dr. John Christopher - that cayenne pepper can literally stop a heart attack in progress.
The late, famed herbalist Dr. John Christopher was nicknamed "Dr. Cayenne" because he was constantly recommending the healing powers of cayenne, the substance found in chili peppers that produces a sensation of heat. He especially advocated using it for cardiovascular health and even made the claim that doses of cayenne could stop heart attacks in progress. Now science has come up with proof cayenne does have a remarkable ability to help the heart. University of Cincinnati (UC) scientists have found that capsaicin, the main component of cayenne, may literally stop a heart attack in its tracks when applied topically. Read more

Monday, October 12, 2009

How to Keep Your Brain in Peak Form

If you want to keep your brain in peak form, eat your vegetables, says Dr. Joseph Mercola.
Researchers have found that individuals with a high daily intake of vegetables and fruits also demonstrate higher cognitive performance. Please notice that vegetables are mentioned first because they are FAR more important than fruits.

Subjects with a high intake (about 400 grams per day) of fruits and vegetables had higher antioxidant levels, lower indicators of free radical-induced damage, and better cognitive performance.

The findings were independent of age, gender, body mass index, and level of education. Further studies are planned that will include larger subject cohorts, patients with Alzheimer's disease, and patients with mild cognitive impairment. Read more

Friday, October 9, 2009

Prevent Hair Loss with Good Grooming and Care

Hair is fairly strong and can generally withstand normal grooming techniques. However, there can be thinning or breakage of hair due to poor grooming habits. The following tips can prevent these bouts of thinning and breakage.

Avoid combing hair with fine-toothed combs when wet, as this is a common cause of breakage. Although this is a tempting practice because hair straightens and detangles much better if combed when wet, the stress on the hair shaft is immense when the hair is wet because it is weakened.

This goes for brushing the hair when wet, also. Brushing the hair, in general can be stimulating to the scalp, encouraging blood flow to the hair follicles and maintaining their health. Brushing the hair before washing it can loosen up flakes of sebum and dead skin buildup and make it easier to thoroughly clean the scalp during shampooing. Remember, over combing or over brushing generally will cause damage to the hair, which is quite contrary to the old 100-stroke brushing rule.

Although clean hair is desirable and even necessary for the maintenance of healthy hair, excessive shampooing can strip vital minerals like calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen and iron from the hair. This is particularly true when using commercial shampoos. Most commercial shampoos contain formaldehyde as a preservative. To disguise the presence of formaldehyde it is listed in the ingredients as Quanternium-15. This substance can be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and poisonous to the entire system.

Unfortunately for those who suffer with dandruff, anti-dandruff shampoos are some of the most dangerous shampoos on the market. Selenium sulfide is the main ingredient in most dandruff shampoos, a substance that has shown to cause degeneration of the liver. Other toxic chemicals such as polyvinyl pyrrlidone plastic (PVP), which is a proven carcinogenic, and creosol which has been proven to be highly toxic are commonly found in dandruff shampoos. This is why it is very important to correct this condition as quickly as possible through natural means.

Natural shampoos normally found in health food stores are a much better choice. Even with natural shampoos, be careful of the ingredient sodium lauryl sulfate can strip away too much oil from the hair, causing shampoo residue to be left behind. Ingredients that have proven useful in shampoos are aloe vera, sage, nettle, burdock, chamomile, chaparral, horsetail ,and rosemary. Also look for shampoos that contain keratin, the protein substance that hair is made of, or amino acids. This will help seal breakages in the cuticle.

Choose a shampoo with a proper pH balance; a level of 5.5 is ideal. The pH scale runs from 0 to 6.9 for acids and 7.1 to 14 for alkaline, with 7 being neutral. Although generally conditioners are good for hair provided that they do not contain the previously mentioned harmful chemicals, shampoos with conditioners included should be avoided. Shampooing and conditioning serve two different functions and the effectiveness of both are diminished by combining the process.

When shampooing, pour the shampoo into the hands and rub the shampoo in with your hands rather than pouring it on your head. By pouring shampoo directly into the hair, you may promote buildup in one particular spot. Massage gently with your fingertips to loosen flakes and buildup and to stimulate circulation, but avoid using the fingernails as this may scratch the scalp and cause scarring over time. Shampoo with warm water to open the pores and rinse with cool water to promote shrinking the pores back to their normal size. After washing hair, dry it by blotting the hair with a towel. Avoid rubbing, especially with terrycloth towels, as this will pull hair when it is in a weakened state due to the wetness.

Following these tips can not only prevent unnecessary hair loss, but also leave your hair looking its best. Even if you don't have as much hair as you used to, taking care of it will keep it looking good and make you look great, too.

Did you know that most hair loss is NOT genetic? The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. To discover how to stop your hair loss and regrow most, if not all of your lost hair, within weeks, click here!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Increasing Your Vitamin D Protects against Swine Flu

Soram Khalsa, MD, is on a mission to get Americans to up their levels of vitamin D. Dr. Khalsa even had a patient hand deliver a copy of his book The Vitamin D Revolution to Michelle Obama, in which he wrote, ‘Vitamin D can help the country’s health-care crisis. Please contact me if you are interested." Khalsa hasn’t heard from her yet. What a surprise that Michelle Obama isn't interested in something that doesn't make money for the pharmaceutical companies.
Soram Khalsa is on a mission to get Americans to up their levels of Vitamin D. Why? To protect them against a myriad of illnesses, including cancers, heart disease and diabetes. He even had a patient from his who’s-who-studded medical practice in Beverly Hills hand deliver a copy of his book, The Vitamin D Revolution, to Michelle Obama. “In the front, I wrote, ‘Vitamin D can help the country’s health-care crisis. Please contact me if you are interested’ and included my phone number. I haven’t heard from her yet, but...” Read more

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bar-Barians: Ninja Masters of the Pull Up Bar!

Rusty Moore at Fitness Black Book profiles the Bar-Barians, who prove that bodyweight exercise can build muscle. Be sure to check out the requirements to become a Bar-Baron. Can you meet them?
This post is to prove to people they can reach an ultra-high degree of conditioning with something as simple as the pull up bar. I've been writing a lot about body weight training and I've personally been trying to get better at pull ups and chin ups. You guys may or may not have heard of the Bar-Barians, but these guys are flat out impressive. They don't train with weights, but I would go as far to say that they are most likely in better shape and more ripped than just about anyone in your gym. If you have never been exposed to the Bar-Barians, prepare to be "Wow'ed"!

[The Bar-Barians were founded in 2004 and are based out of Brooklyn, New York. These guys are some of the most impressive athletes I have ever seen. Brooklyn has a reputation for being a tough area, but I'm guessing people don't mess with this group.] Read more

Friday, October 2, 2009

Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair and What You Can Do

Losing your hair to where it thins or you become bald does not have to happen. Just by understanding why your hair falls out and thins allows you to take counter measures. Discover what counter measures you need to take to keep your hair full, thick, or from thinning.

There are various ways to keep your hair clean, shiny, and thick. If you still have hair and want to keep it or if your hair is starting to thin out, here are some hair remedies that you can use.

When your hair starts to thin down, three of the reasons are:
  • Your hair follicles are slowly becoming plug and preventing hair from growing out
  • Your hair is not receiving the nutrients it needs to grow and stay strong
  • Your hair is not getting enough blood circulating in your scalp
I will cover only the first of the two items.

Plugged Hair Follicles

Just like acne, your hair follicles can become plugged. In acne a plug follicle results in sebum and bacteria becoming trapped in the follicle, which leads to an infection known as a pimple.

When a hair follicle becomes plugged on your scalp, the hair in that follicle becomes trapped and is prevented from coming to the surface. Over time, your scalp becomes smooth and you become bald or lose most of your hair.

So the secret to preventing hair loss, thinning and balding is to prevent your hair follicles from becoming plugged. Once you know what causes your follicle to plug, you can avoid or counteract those conditions.

Here is what causes your follicles to become plugged.
  • Excessive build up of testosterone in blood converting over to DHT and plugging up your hair follicles
  • Use of shampoos, conditioners, and gels that contain excessive unnatural chemical that stay on your scalp and get trapped in your follicles
  • Excessive release of sebum and scalp flaking mixing together to form a hard material that plugs up your follicles.
DHT Build Up in Your Follicle

It is well known now that excessive conversion of testosterone into DHT accumulates in the hair follicles and plugs. Knowing this you can use a variety of shampoos on your hair to dissolve this DHT. This keeps your pores open and your hair growing normally. You can also take capsules that prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

Unnatural Shampoo and Conditioners

Most shampoos, conditioners, and hair gels are created using petrochemicals, un-natural additives, dyes, preservatives that are harmful to your hair and scalp.

In addition, these un-natural hair product chemicals get into your pores and can plug. Once in the follicle, they also get into your blood and are harmful to your liver and the rest of your body.

Search for more natural shampoo products which contain fewer petrochemicals and have more herbs with natural cleansing chemicals

Excessive Sebum and Scalp Flaking

Some people have oily hair and some dry. When the hair follicle releases excess sebum it accumulates on the scalp. Here it will combine with dirt, dead scalp cells, and shampoo chemical residues.

Using natural remedies reduces the amount of chemical available to combine with excess sebum and dead scalp cells. If you use any type of gel to style your hair these gels combine with sebum to plug up your follicles.

To keep your hair and scalp clean and follicles open, use aloe vera gel mixed with a few drops of jojoba oil. Buy aloe vera gel, 99% pure and pure jojoba oil. Put some aloe vera gel in your hand and add 4-5 drops of jojoba oil. Rub your hands together then rub this mixture into your hair. This mixture will keep your hair shiny and thick and your hair follicles open.

Just making these changes to your hair care will go a long way in keeping your hair from thinning any further. Isn't it worth a little extra trouble to keep your hair?

Did you know that most hair loss is NOT genetic? The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. To discover how to stop your hair loss and regrow most, if not all of your lost hair, within weeks, click here!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Turmeric and Vitamin D May Reverse of Alzheimer's Disease

Can something as simple as a regular sprinkling of turmeric in our meals and regular doses of sunshine ward off Alzheimer`s disease?
Research into methods of preventing or reversing the damaging effects on the brain caused by Alzheimer's disease is heating up -- namely with a common spice, turmeric, and something so simple, the sun. A new study by UCLA scientists and colleagues from UC Riverside and the Human BioMolecular Research Institute, cited in the July issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, reports findings suggesting the possibility that Vitamin D3 and a chemical, curcumin, found in the spice turmeric, might possibly not only prevent, but may help reverse damage done by the typical plaques and tangles which are characteristics of Alzheimer's disease. Read more

Monday, September 28, 2009

Smart Cardio For Strength, Mass, And Fat Loss

Cardio training should be part of everyone's fitness regimen, but that doesn't mean you need to put in hours on the treadmill, stationary bike, or on the roads. There are better ways to train.
If you're a typical guy who loves to lift big weights, but considers anything over 3 reps to be "endurance" training, you might not be interested in this article. However, if you can bench press a Buick but get winded when you bend down to tie your shoes, maybe I have an audience.

Look, we all do what we LIKE to do, but only the most successful among us find a way to also do what we NEED to do. If you think you're in the latter category, listen up. I've got a quiver full of fun, challenging, cardio workouts that help you lose fat without losing strength or muscle.

Why You Need Cardio

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that cardio will turn you into a wispy, estrogen-soaked shadow of your former self- too many guys use this mindset as an excuse to avoid what they know they should be doing. In fact, the benefits of smart cardio training are too numerous to ignore. They include: Read more

Friday, September 25, 2009

Vitamins and Hair Loss

Vitamins are necessary for your body health as well as hair health. Different vitamins contribute to maintain your body metabolism and hair growth. These also prevent your hair from falling. So it is very important for you to take different vitamins in your daily diet in sufficient quantity. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals that are necessary in maintaining your hair growth are biotin, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, and inositol.

Having these vitamins and minerals in enough quantity will prevent hair loss and maintain your hair growth. However, consuming these vitamins and minerals in excess may cause a lot of problem. So it is very important for you to know, how much of these vitamins and minerals you needs in your daily diet. You can take the help of your nutritionist to gain knowledge of this. You also can get sufficient information from internet websites and magazines etc.

Scientists have performed a number of tests on these vitamins and minerals to know how these helps human hair either to grow or prevent them. And from different studies the vitality of these vitamins and minerals for human hair has been established. For example; scientists have found that a deficiency of magnesium results in hair loss in porches. Similarly, a deficiency of inositol or biotin result in total hair loss or complete baldness.

If you think that you are losing your hair and need some more vitamins to consume in your diet, you can choose from various food diet rich in vitamins necessary for hair growth. You also can opt for multivitamins. But before choosing any option, it would be better in your interest to consult your doctor or nutritionist to know the exact intake that you need to have. As you know that the excess of vitamins and minerals also leads to problems like hair loss. So think for a minute, if the reason of your hair problems is an overconsumption of vitamins and minerals.

For example, vitamin A is good for your immune system and your hair health if you consume in right quantity. But when taken in excess may cause hair problems and many other health problems too. Fatty acids are another example; different fatty acids maintain your hair texture and save them from dryness, but when consumed in excessive quantity leads to problems.

This is also in best interests of yours’ to prefer diet rich in different vitamins and minerals rather than opting for vitamin supplements and multivitamins. Make sure that your diet contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins and minerals. Eat whole grain breads, a lot of leafy green vegetables, especially greens and drink a lot of water. Include in your diet various dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and poultry products like egg, etc. Sea food like cod fish will also help your hair to make good, gorgeous and healthy. Eat a lot of whole fruits. Although, you can have fruit juices occasionally, but having more of whole fruits than fruit juices is much better idea.

You also can try on different shampoos and hair oils to maintain your hair health. But don’t try any product on the basis of TV advertisements. Ask your doctor or health care expert for the right kind of oil and shampoo that will prevent your hair from falling and make healthy and good looking.

No matter what you try for your hair health, it is always a good idea to have food rich in different nutrients and vitamins and minerals to maintain your body and hair health.

Did you know that most hair loss is NOT genetic? The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. To discover how to stop your hair loss and regrow most, if not all of your lost hair, within weeks, click here!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The 12 Most Frequently Recommended Herbal Remedies

Jennifer Newell of Health News lists the twelve most recommended herbal remedies and how to use them.
... While it is recommended that doctors be consulted before integrating herbal remedies into a daily regimen or treating a condition, most herbs are self-explanatory, as they give dosage instructions and recommended length of ingestion on the labels. Most importantly, when taking herbs, pay special attention to the body and any signs it gives that a particular treatment is not working; if the body rejects the option, it might be time to try another alternative, even if it is along the Western medicine route.

The top herbal remedy and one of the most well-known in modern society is the use of aloe vera for burns, whether the minor burns occur as a result of sun exposure or a kitchen accident. The actual aloe vera leaf is the most effective, rather than store-bought products, and the potted plant is simple to maintain with water. Read more

Monday, September 21, 2009

Health Heresy: 7 Reasons to Eat More Saturated Fat

Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week, has posted an exclusive excerpt from Drs. Michael and Mary Eades’ newest book The 6-Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle. The Eades note that one piece of the medical establishment's nutrition advice remains constant no matter what diet is being promoted: “You should sharply limit your intake of saturated fats.” But do saturated fats really increase your risk of heart disease? Actually, no. Humans need saturated fats, and here are seven reasons why:
I’ve invited Dr. Michael Eades and Dr. Mary Dan Eades, two of my favorite bariatric (obesity treatment) doctors in the US and the first to introduce insulin resistance to the mainstream, to explain the facts and benefits of increased saturated fat intake…

The sub-headings are mine, and a few edits have been made for space and context. Please see Dr. Michael Eades’ references and responses to questions in the comments. Read more

Friday, September 18, 2009

Can Podcasts Combat Obesity?

The Los Angeles Times health blog Booster Shots examines research that used podcasts to help people lose weight.
Successful weight loss may be just a podcast away.

But what's on that podcast could make the difference between losing a modest amount of weight and losing next to none, according to a new study out of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Researchers used two different types of podcasts--audio files that can be downloaded into an MP3 player or computer--to see which was more effective at helping 78 overweight and obese men and women shed pounds over 12 weeks. Read more

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

18 Reasons Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children against the Flu This Season

Bill Sardi gives eighteen reasons why you should not vaccinate your children against the flu this season.
This year it is more important that you protect your children and loved ones from the flu vaccines than influenza itself. Here are the reasons:

1. This flu is simply another flu. It is not unusually deadly. In fact, the H1N1 swine flu in circulation is less deadly than many other influenza outbreaks. The first 1000 confirmed swine flu cases in Japan and China produced zero deaths. The Centers for Disease Control alleges 36,000 Americans succumb to the flu each year, but so far, since March through August of 2009 (6 months), the swine flu has been attributed to ~500–600 deaths in the US. The swine flu of 2009 has already swept through the Southern Hemisphere’s flu season without alarm. Only exaggerated reports have been issued by the World Health Organization regarding hospitalizations required during the flu season in South American countries. Getting exposed to influenza and developing natural antibodies confers resistance for future flu outbreaks. Artificially boosting antibodies by exposure to flu viruses in vaccines is more problematic than natural exposure. Americans have been exposed to the H1N1 swine flu throughout the summer of 2009 with far fewer deaths and hospitalizations than commonly attributed to the seasonal flu.

2. Health authorities tacitly admit prior flu vaccination programs were of worthless value. This is the first time both season and pandemic flu vaccines will be administered. Both seasonal flu and swine flu vaccines will require two inoculations. This is because single inoculations have failed to produce sufficient antibodies. Very young children and older frail adults, the high-risk groups in the population, may not produce sufficient antibodies in response to the flu vaccine. This is an admission that prior flu vaccines were virtually useless. The same people who brought you the ineffective vaccines in past years are bringing you this year’s new vaccines. Can you trust them this time? Read more

Monday, September 14, 2009

4 Natural Ways to Prevent a Heart Attack or Stroke

To prevent a heart attack or stroke, go natural and forget the aspirin-a-day business.
K is for klotting – which doesn’t really start with a ‘k’, but it’s what I want to write about. Many people take an aspirin a day to prevent stroke and heart attack based on aspirin’s ability to thin the blood and prevent blood clots.

Most alternative doctors have been against aspirin for a long time because it damages the stomach lining and causes kidney and liver damage. Aspirin is responsible for a significant number of emergency room visits because it causes gastrointestinal bleeding.

New studies are now showing that an aspirin a day actually increases risk of stroke and heart attack in 40 percent of the people who take it. Research is also showing that long term use of aspirin increases your risk of macular degeneration and cataracts by as much as 44 percent. Read more

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Is Your Sleep Deprivation Leading You to Diabetes?

Sleep deprivation can have serious effects on your health in the form of physical and mental impairments. In fact, Dr. Michael J. Breus says sleep deprivation may even lead to diabetes.
While sleep may not seem like it belongs in the same category as words that revolve around weight, it actually has everything to do with weight and whether or not you're at risk for diabetes. Two fascinating studies that just came out to further prove it:
  1. One study out of a sleep lab at Penn State College showed that insomniacs who slept only five to six hours a night had greater odds of developing diabetes. Read more

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Surprise: You Need Salt for Good Health

You may be surprised to learn that you need salt for good health. In fact, every cell in the body requires salt to function, but not the typical modern salt product you find in the grocery store.
Most modern health problems that have been linked to sodium are actually caused by the condition of the salt we eat. The typical modern salt product can be compared to refined sugar and refined flour - it used to be a healthful, whole food, but it has now been stripped and processed into a disaster waiting to happen. What began as an essential nutrient is disfigured into a detriment to our health.

Salt has earned a bad reputation in recent years, so it comes as quite a surprise to hear this seasoning is actually necessary for good health. In fact, every cell in the body requires salt to function Read more

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Unclog Your Arteries

Though it may be discouraging that it's not cheese nachos that unclogs your arteries, it's encouraging that something as simple as eating broccoli may prevent heart attacks and strokes.
This probably still won't encourage children to eat it, but the many healthy properties of broccoli include preventing a heart attack or stroke, say researchers.

A chemical found in the vegetable boosts the body's defence system to keep arteries unclogged.

Cauliflower, sprouts and cabbage can also keep the blood flowing freely.

They all contain sulforaphane, along with rocket, kale and pak choi, but broccoli contains the highest levels. Read more:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't Take an Aspirin a Day

Don't take an aspirin a day. It does more harm than good, say researchers.
Millions of people - including a substantial number of the "worried well" - take a daily dose of the drug in the belief it will keep them healthy.

But at a conference for leading doctors, British scientists said they have found that for healthy people taking aspirin does not significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack.

At the same time they found it almost doubles the risk of being admitted to hospital due to internal bleeding. Read more

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Men: Avoid Prostate Cancer PSA Screening!

Prostate cancer PSA screening is just another dangerous, expensive rip-off by the medical-industrial complex, says John McDougall, MD.
Friday, August 21, 2009, the CNN television show, Larry King Live, turned thousands of otherwise healthy men into patients and caused them irreparable harm when in-studio guests John McEnroe, Michael Milken, and Dr. Christopher Rose recommended that all men over the age of 40 years undergo PSA examinations in order to find prostate cancer. (This show can also be found free on iTunes as a podcast and as a transcript.) I know Larry King personally. I was a guest on his national radio show 3 times in the distant past. He is an honest man, but I believe he was duped into selling for the prostate cancer businesses at the expense of men’s health on this particular evening.


All three in-studio guests on this Larry King Live show have financial ties to prostate cancer industries. John McEnroe is an official spokesperson for a drug company, Michael Milken works with pharmaceutical industries through his Prostate Cancer Foundation, and Dr. Christopher Rose is a radiation oncologist and serves as medical director of The Center for Radiation Therapy of Beverly Hills. Undeniably, widespread PSA testing means more profits for doctors, hospitals, laboratories, and device and pharmaceutical companies. Read more

Monday, August 31, 2009

Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin

John Cloud explains in TIME magazine why exercise alone is not the answer for weight loss.
... I have exercised like this — obsessively, a bit grimly — for years, but recently I began to wonder: Why am I doing this? Except for a two-year period at the end of an unhappy relationship — a period when I self-medicated with lots of Italian desserts — I have never been overweight. One of the most widely accepted, commonly repeated assumptions in our culture is that if you exercise, you will lose weight. But I exercise all the time, and since I ended that relationship and cut most of those desserts, my weight has returned to the same 163 lb. it has been most of my adult life. I still have gut fat that hangs over my belt when I sit. Why isn't all the exercise wiping it out? Read more

Friday, August 28, 2009

Zuzana Does One-Legged Squats

Zuzanna does four deep one-legged squats (pistols) on each leg.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

100 Push-Ups by a GIRL!

Can you do 100 push ups? This girl can. She does take a short rest, which wouldn't be allowed in a physical fitness test, but even doing 100 push-ups in "sets" is still quite an accomplishment.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Strong Female Gymnast Does 20+ Pull Ups

Watch Chrissie, a female gymnast, do 20+ pull-ups. She struggles with the last few, but can you do more with better form? I didn't think so.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chris and Faith One-Armed Push-Ups Competition

Chris and Faith compete for the one-armed push-up title, and the outcome creates controversy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Melissa Does Handstand Push-ups

Melissa is by her own admission "awesome" at handstand push-ups. How many can YOU do?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Should You Get Your Drug Information from an Actor?

If you have osteoporosis, you might ask your doctor about prescribing the drug Boniva. After all, Sally Field takes it, so it must be good, right? Dr. Andrew Weil says, not necessarily.
Sally Field is a talented actor. But what qualifies her to promote Boniva, an osteoporosis drug that is of limited benefit, has worrisome side effects, and for which there are natural alternatives that merit careful consideration?

In "What's Wrong with American Medicine?" I point out that many high-technology treatments have a shadow side. In most areas of life, technological development has made services better and cheaper, but (with a few notable exceptions) it has made health care worse and more expensive. The result: an unhealthy populace and an economy that's lurching toward disaster. Read more

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to Work Out While Muslim and Female

So, you think you have excuses to avoid exercise? What if you were a Muslim woman who had to try to stay in shape while respecting your faith's modesty etiquette? Ever go jogging wearing a head scarf in hot weather?
For the pious Muslim woman, one of the greatest challenges of modern life is how to get a health-conscious work-out. In Iran, of course, the state mandates Islamic dress, so secular and faithful women alike must contend with religious codes that interfere with exercise. But the problem persists for individual Muslim women throughout the Islamic world and the West. It grabbed headlines this week when a Paris swimming pool refused entry to a young Muslim woman wearing a "burqini," a swim garment resembling a diving suit. In France the incident falls into a wider political debate over how to reconcile the country's Muslim immigrants to French secular values. And while the number of Muslim women in France — indeed throughout the world — who insist on such a severe covering as the burqa is small, the challenge of staying slim and Islamically proper is not. Read more

Monday, August 17, 2009

Turmeric Fights Body Fat

Could you imagine a common spice that is actually proven to help you lose weight? A recent study has shown that curcumin, the antioxidant found in turmeric, seems to reduce weight gain in mice and suppress the growth of fat tissue in mice and in cell models.
A diet high in turmeric may help reduce weight gain by suppressing the growth of new fat tissue, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tufts University and published in the Journal of Nutrition.

The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a grant from the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

"Weight gain is the result of the growth and expansion of fat tissue, which cannot happen unless new blood vessels form, a process known as angiogenesis," senior author Mohsen Meydani said. "Based on our data, curcumin appears to suppress angiogenic activity in the fat tissue of mice fed high fat diets."

Curcumin is an antioxidant chemical in the polyphenol family that naturally occurs in turmeric. In contrast to some phytochemicals, it is easily absorbed by the body. Read more

Friday, August 14, 2009

Weight Training Helps Breast Cancer Survivors

A new study says that breast cancer survivors who engage in a progressive, supervised weight training program fare better than their counterparts who do not lift weights.
Occupational therapist Cathy Kleinman-Barnett works with breast cancer patients, but she has never encouraged women with lymphedema, a breast cancer-related swelling of the arm, to lift weights. A new study contradicts recommendations that breast cancer survivors avoid weight lifting, because of swelling.

However, she may be changing her tune, thanks to a new study in the August 13 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. It turns out that breast cancer survivors with lymphedema who engage in a progressive, supervised weight-lifting program fare better than their counterparts who do not lift weights. Read more

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Marijuana Is Far Safer Than Alcohol

Marijuana is far safer than alcohol, so why are the feds prohibiting it and driving people to drink?
For 35 years the federal government has been well aware – yet publicly denied – that cannabis possesses potent anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. Even under the Obama administration, which promised to "base [their] public policies on the soundest of science," the myth that pot promotes cancer persists. In fact, the White House’s website,, presently warns, "Marijuana has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract."

Or not.

In a clinical abstract published online on journal of Cancer Prevention Research website in July, a team of U.S. investigators reported – with absolutely no mainstream media fanfare – that lifetime marijuana use is associated with a "significantly reduced risk" of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Read more

Monday, August 10, 2009

5 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

It is common for people to lose strands of their hair, especially when it is wet or when they comb it. Experts say that there is a need for some strands of hair to fall, so these can be replaced with a new set of hair strands. The average strands lost should about a hundred. Once there is excess in this number, then you might be suffering from hair loss. The following five home remedies can be used to deal with hair loss at home:

1. The wonders of massage

Ancient people have proven that massage can help stop excessive hair fall because it makes the follicles of the hair stronger. Aside from that, it is also good because it aids hair growth by putting the right amount of pressure on the scalp. Usually, this is done manually. You can do it yourself, or you can ask somebody to massage your scalp at home. If you don’t have enough energy to do manual massage on your own scalp, you can use an electric hair massage available in most wellness stores.

2. Hot oil treatments

Experts say that people who are prone to hair loss can benefit from hot oil treatments because these can help prevent falling hair and can cure minor scalp disorders as well. To get effective results, at least three treatments are advised weekly. You can do this at home with the use of a shower cap. You can buy ready-to-use hot oil treatments that contain oils of several herbs, such as sesame, olive, and coconut. For more relaxing hot oil treatment at home, choose those that contain essential oils such as thyme, lavender, and others.

3. Aloe vera extracts

Considered as a "wonder plant," aloe vera is popular with many people, especially those living in tropical countries, as a remedy for hair loss. Depending on the degree, aloe vera can be used as a shampoo by using fresh pulp that is directly applied on the hair and scalp, as a hair tonic along with other herbs, and a drink or oral aloe juice for the body to absorb its ingredients faster.

4. Mixture of cinnamon and honey

Many people say that one of the effective home remedies for hair loss is the combination of cinnamon powder and honey with olive oil because these contain properties that make the scalp as well as the hair stronger. By coming up with a paste that can be applied directly to from the hair's roots down to the scalp, people can make use of it before they use their favorite shampoo.

5. Extracts of ginger

A piece of ginger, once chopped and directly applied to the area of the head that has bald spots, can be an effective hair remedy for hair loss because it aids the healthy growth of hair follicles. Since it can be smelly, you can also use its extract that is combined with fine lead powder to get the best results.

Having a robust hairline does not make you a healthy individual, but for many, a receding hairline leads to declining self-esteem. With the right knowledge, you can reverse hair loss and stop it in its tracks. Armed with the most effective hair loss home remedies, you can start to fight back and regain your self-esteem.

Did you know that most hair loss is NOT genetic? The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. To discover how to stop your hair loss and regrow most, if not all of your lost hair, within weeks, click here!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hannibal for King

This video illustrates incredible upper body strength though I don't know what you call some of these exercises.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

10 Ways to Fall Asleep More Easily

What are the top ten ways to fall asleep more easily? Find out and vote on your favorite.
For people who have trouble falling asleep, bedtime is the start of the most stressful part of the day. Instead of tossing and turning, try some of our suggestions to help you rock yourself to sleep. Some are not new, but are so often forgotten. Consider this your reminder. Read more

Monday, August 3, 2009

Eat Your Way to Health and Fitness

Eliminate carb confusion and lighten your glycemic load, says Dr. Julian Whitaker.
The diet and weight loss industry is booming. Everywhere you turn, there's one gimmick or another guaranteed to melt the pounds away. From billboards and magazines to TV and radio ads, you can't escape the promises of the latest and greatest. Trying to figure out what works and what doesn't is enough to drive you crazy.

Folks, forget about low-fat this, carb-free that, and diets that require rocket science-level math to compute portion sizes and caloric intake. There's an easy way to eat your way to health and fitness. Read more

Friday, July 31, 2009

Overuse of Vaccines, Anti-Flu Drugs Could Be Disastrous

As bad as the H1N1 swine flu outbreak may turn out to be, you can be sure that government intervention will only make it worse. In the swine flu debacle of 1976, only one person died from the swine flu itself, but hundreds of Americans were killed or seriously injured by the inoculation the government gave them to stave off the virus.
Disease researchers have begun modeling how a future H1N1-09 swine-flu outbreak would spread throughout the world and have come up with some troubling scenarios. Infectious disease experts are beginning to describe modern efforts to quell seasonal and epidemic influenza with vaccines and anti-viral drugs using wording like "potentially dangerous," "worrisome," and "may do more harm than good."

This is striking in light of the multi-billion dollar worldwide effort to rapidly manufacture huge stocks of vaccines, up to an unprecedented 2 billion doses, against the 2008–09 late-flu season H1N1 swine flu epidemic. Public health officials are fearful this unusual strain of H1N1 influenza virus may mutate into a more lethal form in the fall as did the deadly Spanish flu pandemic of 1918.

Researchers at Shizuoka University in Japan, writing in a recent March 2009 issue of the Public Library of Science (PLoS One), are among the first to sound the alarm that the most relied upon weaponry against the flu, vaccines, may actually apply "immunological pressure on circulating strains of the flu which might engender the emergence of genetic variants with enhanced potential for pathogenicity in humans." Translation: mass vaccination, unless well monitored, may actually induce the dreaded gene mutation that could result in more cases, increased hospitalizations and a larger death toll. Read more

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Calorie Delusion: Why Food Labels Are Wrong

Maybe one of the reasons some of us are so fat is because we measure calories the wrong way. Calorie counts are created by incinerating food, but we don't burn food up, we digest it.
... Calorie counts on food labels around the world are based on a system developed in the late 19th century by American chemist Wilbur Olin Atwater. Atwater calculated the energy content of various foods by burning small samples in controlled conditions and measuring the amount of energy released in the form of heat. To estimate the proportion of this raw energy that was used by the body, Atwater calculated the amount of energy lost as undigested food in faeces, and as chemical energy in the form of urea, ammonia and organic acids found in urine, and then he subtracted these figures from the total. Using this method, Atwater estimated that carbohydrates and protein provide an average of 4 kcal per gram, while fat provides 9 kcal per gram. With a few modifications, these measurements of what is known as metabolisable energy have been the currency of food ever since.

We know these values are approximate. Nutritionists are well aware that our bodies don't incinerate food, they digest it. And digestion - from chewing food to moving it through the gut and chemically breaking it down along the way - takes a different amount of energy for different foods. According to Geoffrey Livesey, an independent nutritionist based in Norfolk, UK, this can lower the number of calories your body extracts from a meal by anywhere between 5 and 25 per cent depending on the food eaten. "These energy costs are quite significant," he says, yet are not reflected on any food label. Read more

Monday, July 27, 2009

7 Surprising Sleep Tips

You've probably heard the usual sleep tips - don't drink caffeine, exercise before bedtime, etc. - but if you still can't sleep, try these seven lesser-known sleep tips. They may do the trick.
Can't sleep? You have plenty of company. About half of all adults experience insomnia on occasion, and 1 in 10 battle insomnia on a regular basis, according to the Cleveland Clinic. If you fall into one of those groups, chances are you're already following the tried-and-true rules for a good night's sleep: Don't have too much caffeine (especially late in the day), don't exercise late at night, keep your bedroom at a cool, comfortable temperature, and make sure your bed, pillows and linens are comfy. Those are all good tips, but there are lesser-known things you can try to help you get more rest.

1. Set a Bedtime Alert
Most of us already use an alarm to wake up in the morning, but sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleep: Look Younger, Lose Weight, and Feel Great Through Better Sleep, suggests setting it at night as well. Read more

Friday, July 24, 2009

Do Penis Enlargement Exercises Really Work?

Penis enlargement exercises seem to be promoted everywhere nowadays, but do they really work? Many people are keen to dismiss penis enlargement exercises as myths even though they are not familiar with the facts. Penis enlargement exercises have been around in one form or other for a very long time. Penis enlargement through exercise is possible. Svetlana Ivanova at Sex Secrets discusses penis enlargement exercises and gives this unique testimonial to their effectiveness:
Does natural penis enlargement really work? I can’t speak directly from personal experience, lacking the equipment to do so. However, I know that penis enlargement exercises work for at least some men because a former lover – after I commented of the size of his penis – confessed that he had used them to increase his penis size an inch and a half. I can’t think of any possible reason for a man to say that unless it were true. Read more

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mercury Contamination Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup

Many people are concerned about eating foods containing high-fructose corn syrup because of its possible link to health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, increased triglycerides, increased LDL cholesterol, and liver disease. Now another reason to avoid high-fructose corn syrup has been discovered: high levels of mercury, which can cause brain damage, deafness, learning disabilities, and even death.
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) accounts for the largest amount of calories in the average American diet. It can be found in processed foods of almost every kind - soda, bread, breakfast bars, processed dairy, crackers, soup, condiments, and others. The U.S. first began using HFCS heavily in the 1970's as an inexpensive alternative to sugar when sugar prices skyrocketed. It quickly became the most commonly used sweetener and today is found in almost all processed foods. Americans consume about twelve teaspoons of HFCS on average per day.

Recently HFCS has come under scrutiny because of its possible link to health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, increased triglycerides, increased LDL cholesterol, and liver disease. Fructose is hard for the body to metabolize, converts to fat more than other sugars, and contains no enzymes, vitamins, or minerals. In fact, fructose actually uses vital compounds from the body to be metabolized so it is actually robbing the body of its necessary micronutrients.

In addition to these detrimental effects on health it has been recently reported that there are high levels of mercury in high fructose corn syrup. Mercury is a toxin and is especially harmful to the nervous system. Read more

Monday, July 20, 2009

Streetball Workout

This a great skills and conditioning basketball workout. It would make a great warm-up before practice or a game if you left out the abs routine.

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