Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sleep Better by Avoiding Blue Light

Lenette Nakauchi says you can naturally improve your sleep by avoiding blue light.

In order to fall asleep, the human body produces melatonin, a hormone created in the pineal gland. Melatonin allows the body to relax enough to sleep, allowing it to follow the natural circadian rhythm. However, some environmental factors can interfere with the production of melatonin and make falling asleep naturally a highly difficult task. One such factor is blue light.

Why is light such a crucial factor? Before technology and electricity, the human body relied upon environmental light to determine when it was time to sleep and when it was time to wake up. In today's world there are alarm clocks, cell phones, and other devices that dictate when it is time to get out of bed, but the body has yet to adapt to these technological changes. Despite the fact that you may have depended upon an alarm clock for your entire life, your body is still capable of matching its sleep cycle to the natural cycle of the environment.

Blue light is a part of the light spectrum that is especially visible during the day, making its appearance a cue to the body to wake up. No matter how tired you are, your body may be limited in its production of melatonin if you are exposed to blue light. It follows, then, that avoiding blue light before going to bed is a great way to allow your body to produce the natural levels of melatonin that it needs to fall asleep. Read more

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