Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Enjoy Saturated Fats, They’re Good for You!

Cardiac surgeon Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD, discusses the heart=damaging effects of the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet pushed by the medical establishment, the federal government, and the mainstream media.
This article is taken from a talk I gave at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Albuquerque last week, on the controversial subject of saturated fats. Some of the slides that I used for this talk are put in here.

The medical establishment and government health authorities say that consumption of saturated animal fats is bad for us and causes heart disease. According to the lipid hypothesis – the label used for the diet-cholesterol theory of heart disease – saturated fats raise serum cholesterol levels, and high blood cholesterol causes obstructive plaques to form in arteries, called atherosclerosis. This pathologic process causes coronary heart disease and the need for coronary artery bypass surgery, which is what I do. Read more

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thirsty? Tired? What to Drink When

We have an unprecedented choice of drinks nowadays, but not all are equally good - at least not for every situation.
Staying hydrated is an important aspect of exercise -- it can make or break your workout performance. So what type of beverage is best? Find out when you should use energy or sports drinks, coconut or electrolyte waters, juice, milk or just plain water. Read more

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sleep Better by Avoiding Blue Light

Lenette Nakauchi says you can naturally improve your sleep by avoiding blue light.
In order to fall asleep, the human body produces melatonin, a hormone created in the pineal gland. Melatonin allows the body to relax enough to sleep, allowing it to follow the natural circadian rhythm. However, some environmental factors can interfere with the production of melatonin and make falling asleep naturally a highly difficult task. One such factor is blue light.

Why is light such a crucial factor? Before technology and electricity, the human body relied upon environmental light to determine when it was time to sleep and when it was time to wake up. In today's world there are alarm clocks, cell phones, and other devices that dictate when it is time to get out of bed, but the body has yet to adapt to these technological changes. Despite the fact that you may have depended upon an alarm clock for your entire life, your body is still capable of matching its sleep cycle to the natural cycle of the environment.

Blue light is a part of the light spectrum that is especially visible during the day, making its appearance a cue to the body to wake up. No matter how tired you are, your body may be limited in its production of melatonin if you are exposed to blue light. It follows, then, that avoiding blue light before going to bed is a great way to allow your body to produce the natural levels of melatonin that it needs to fall asleep. Read more

How We Develop Allergies

Joseph Mercola discusses natural relief and prevention of allergies.
If you're a seasonal allergy sufferer, you know that few things can drain the joy out of summertime like the misery of red, itchy eyes, continuous sneezing and post-nasal drip. Airborne pollen is the most common cause of seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. Allergies can mean more than general misery for asthma sufferers, whose bouts can be much worse during allergy season – even life-threatening, in some cases. Allergy-driven asthma affects 10 million Americans, rates that have doubled since 1980. Read more

Monday, August 22, 2011

Calisthenics Kingz "Basic Routine"

This is a Calisthenics Kingz basic routine for those who can or can't do pull-ups. This routine can be done anywhere, It includes cardio, strength training calisthenics exercises, leg exercises, and stretching, as well as how many sets and reps to perform. It's a great routine for anyone at any fitness level to work on.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Moderate Drinking May Reduce Alzheimer's Risk

Researchers have found another lifestyle factor that may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease - moderate drinking.
Lifestyle factors -- like not smoking, maintaining a healthy body weight and being physically active -- have been shown in past studies to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. But a sweeping new review of the research also shows that moderate drinking -- that is, no more than one to two drinks per day -- could also slash the risk of developing the disease. Read more

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to Smell Good Naturally

Commercial soaps, deodorants, mouthwashes, etc. often have chemical ingredients that are either toxic in general or cause reactions in particular individuals. This video shows how to smell good naturally.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Proof Is in the Cure with Alternative Cancer Treatments

If you think that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the only ways to treat cancer, you are badly uninformed. Alternatives to dangerous, expensive medical procedures exist, says Paul Fassa.
Science can be used to obfuscate reality, especially in medicine. Several disclosures from whistle blowers and investigators have uncovered scandalous false medical journal reports. Most oncologists don't want to know the power of nutrition and detoxification. The extremely low rate of recovery from cancer using expensive toxic methods and creating more suffering continues. Why? Authoritative medical science says it's the only way.

A Few Examples of Real Cancer Cures

A retired teacher decides to burn both ends of her life's candle and winds up with cancer. Her oncologist was insisting on surgery. She went to a friend who told her of the Gerson Institute and a retreat in Australia that applies pretty much the same approach as Gerson. She was cured beyond expectation. Hear this incredible woman tell her story with link (1) in the sources below. Read more

Friday, August 12, 2011

Exercise a "Wonder Drug" against Cancer

Exercise is a "wonder drug" that can stop cancer from coming back, according to a new study.
Exercise is a "wonder drug" for cancer survivors and may even prevent the disease coming back, according to a new report.

Macmillan Cancer Support said physical activity should be "prescribed" by doctors after "hard evidence" showed it can significantly help recovery and prevent other long-term illnesses.

Rather than patients being told to "rest up" as in the past, doctors must encourage people to get moving as soon as they feel able. Read more

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Viking Warrior Bodyweight Workout

This workout is geared toward building strength, though it also improves conditioning.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction Exercises for Naturally Hard Erections

Erectile dysfunction, the inability to maintain an erection for longer than a few minutes, can cause distress and a lack of confidence in a man. If you are starting to feel the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction, then it's time you started to exercise your penis muscles regularly to prevent the progression to full erectile dysfunction. A man's libido requires some maintenance, especially as he ages and even more so if he carries extra weight, has felt the side effects of medication and alcohol and especially if has low testosterone.

Why Erectile Dysfunction Exercises?

Natural erectile dysfunction exercises are a series of simple, natural penis-strengthening exercises that can cure erectile problems if they are done properly. In fact, penis exercises are not exclusively for men with erection problems. All men, young or old, should perform regular penis-strengthening exercises to ensure stronger erections, maximum penis size, and full ejaculatory control.

These three important benefits should be enough to motivate you into performing regular erectile dysfunction exercises, or penis workouts. The penis and your erection depend on good, healthy blood circulation. You need to help your blood vessels surrounding the penis do their job properly and to increase the circulation.

How To Perform Erectile Dysfunction Exercises

Erectile dysfunction exercises break down into three different categories:

1) Kegel Workouts

Kegel workouts are named after the person who first started recommending them. Strengthening the PC muscle results in proven harder erections and can maximize the size of your penis as a result. These exercises consist of flexing the muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing: the PC muscle. This muscle is between your testicles and your anus. Flex this muscle ten times in a row, holding your muscle firm for five full seconds.

2) Penile Massage

Massaging the penis helps to improve blood circulation. You can massage your penis while it's erect, semi-erect (ideal) or flaccid. Massaging around the perineum area (behind the testicles), the pubis and the base of the penis improves blood flow and enables more blood to improve your erection in less time. Massaging when your penis is warm (in a warm shower) is more beneficial. Testicular massage is also helpful for increasing testosterone levels in the penile area.

3) Orgasm Edging

Orgasm edging is about taking yourself to the brink of orgasm, then holding your ejaculation instead of ejaculating. Many of us do this naturally when making love or masturbating. Edging using these natural methods increases testosterone levels in your body, improves penile blood circulation, and virility.

Take yourself to the very brink of orgasm and then flex your PC muscles to prevent ejaculating. It's important that you do this several times in a row. You should only ejaculate every other time. Make sure that you refrain from ejaculating one of every two times. After mastering the methods in holding back your orgasm, you'll not only be able to have full control over your ejaculation, but you'll be able to use the techniques to have male multiple orgasms.

These three techniques are natural, effective penis-strengthening exercises that can be used to treat erectile dysfunction symptoms in men.

A breakthrough new method gives any man harder erections simply, naturally and without drugs! To stop erectile dysfunction and start having stiff, powerful erections tonight, Click Here!

Friday, August 5, 2011

10 Foods Naturally High in Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements are cheap, safe, and effective, but it's still best to get your nutrients from food as much as possible. Edward Group gives a list of ten foods naturally high in vitamin D - not fortified.
Although we can find many foods in the supermarket that have been fortified with a synthetic form of Vitamin D, there are only a select number of foods containing vitamin D in them naturally.

Normally, our body takes in Vitamin D in the form of sun-synthesis through the skin. But in our modern times, where many of us spend countless hours inside houses, cars and shopping malls, our actual exposure to the sun is limited. This fact may be a principle cause of many ailments, including depression. For this reason, it is extremely important to have a diet high in Vitamin D or take a vitamin D supplement.

This is my ‘List of Foods Containing Vitamin D’, as well as some of the great potential benefits of the vitamin. (In no particular order) Read more

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Inflammation: A Symptom of All Disease?

Inflammation is a symptom of all disease, says Margaret Durst. It's big trouble, but you can outsmart it.
Chronic inflammation is a common symptom in most degenerative diseases. These include certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, high cholesterol, chronic obesity, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury. Think of inflammation in relation to the swelling around a sprained ankle. The body handles this injury by sending certain chemicals to the area to start tissue repair. On the surface, this looks like swelling, but underneath the skin, much is going on to repair the damage and restore health to the ankle. Read more

Monday, August 1, 2011

How to Build the Health and Strength of Your Feet

Going barefoot is healthy for your feet, but if you've been wearing shoes all your life, your feet may not be ready for shoelessness. Mark Sisson provides five exercises and other strategies to prepare for barefooting. 
“Just go barefoot.”

How many times have you heard that from the dude with big calves, wide feet, and soles like supple calf skin? (Hmm, that came out weirder than I imagined.) Or maybe you’re that guy, and you’ve said it. Heck, I’ve probably said something to that effect before. It’s a casual recommendation that we long-term barefooters toss around… but maybe we shouldn’t. (Heresy!) Okay – bear with me, here. Everyone agrees that shoelessness is the foot’s natural state, and that getting to a place where you can enjoy that natural state is ideal. Natural isn’t always synonymous with good, but in the case of the human foot – a sensitive, capable, highly mobile appendage packed with innumerable nerve endings, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and fascia that responds and reacts to the environment as you walk and/or run – natural is almost certainly desirable. The human foot is pretty amazing, and sticking it inside a restrictive shoe obscures that fact. I think we can agree on that.

But before you tell your friends to burn their shoes, consider something: the shod foot has been living in a cast most of its life. It occasionally enjoys a bit of freedom, but it’s a fleeting, temporary freedom that’s usually only granted when there’s nothing to do but lounge and sleep. When the modern foot is called into action, like at the gym, on a walk, or when going about daily business, they are usually wearing shoes that restrict muscle engagement and turn the feet into passive pieces of leather and rubber that slap along the ground. The feet are merely along for the ride; they do nothing, while the hips and ankles must shoulder the load. Ever seen an arm that’s just had a cast removed? It’s a skinny, withered shell of its former self. The muscles have atrophied, so it’s weaker. The connective tissue can’t quite handle the demands of regular use, so strains are a real possibility. It’ll even smell bad until you wash it (just like some feet), because it’s been cramped up for so long. Read more

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