Familiarise yourself Take some time to get to know your breath better. Put one hand on your stomach and one hand on your upper chest, close your eyes and take a big inhale through your nose, and let it out. Take note of which hand moved the most – the bottom or the top. Eighty per cent of us are upper chest breathers, 20 per cent belly breathers. Discovering which you are can help you make the most out of your breath
Upper chest breathers… The upper chest is associated with anxiety and stress. When you start breathing from your abdomen, it induces calm. Sit back at about 45° and make sure your neck is supported. Put your hands on your abdomen and breathe through the nose, imagining there is a balloon where your abdomen is. Take a deep inhale, inflating the 'balloon’ . Feel the abdomen rise. Then let it go, and repeat. Keep doing this for five minutes. If you find it an effort, put a book flat on your abdomen for a bit of weight, and breathe to push the book away. I use Harry Potter because it’s so heavy. Read more
It is so strange, in an era of overly processed foods and refined sugars, nutritionists continue to maintain the American diet is sufficient to meet the nutrient needs of Americans. This drivel continues despite the fact recent studies do not confirm the consumption of fruits and vegetables significantly reduces mortality rates for heart disease and cancer, the number one and two chronic diseases that drive mortality rates. Even the 9-13 servings of plant foods-regimen now recommended by health authorities still is an unproven measure.
If you are totally confused by the array of acronyms RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance), RDI (Reference Dietary Intake), AI (Adequate Intake), EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) and DV (Daily Value) used to inform Americans how much nutrition they need, join the crowd. For various reasons, all of these should be disregarded, as explained below. Read more
The next time you are tempted to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock, hold fire.
Research suggests that early risers are slimmer, happier and healthier than those who get up later in the day.
Worst off are night owls, with late nights seemingly taking their toll on health and happiness. Read more
It is common sense that eating a healthy diet should help prevent disease. But Big Pharma must surely have superior elixirs, pills, potions and shots when it comes to serious prevention of the big killer diseases like stroke, right?
If the drug companies have a prescription drug, without any side effects, that can slash the risk of a stroke by 52 percent, please write and let NaturalNews know - because we can't find it anywhere in the scientific literature.
Instead, we've found a mountain of evidence from peer reviewed studies showing that natural substances in food can help prevent and heal a multitude of illness. And now there's another dramatic finding that shows eating an abundance of certain foods can help protect against stroke -- specifically the white flesh of foods like pears and apples. Read more
Psychologists say that new guidelines being developed in America will lead more young people seeing their common problems regarded as illnesses that must be treated, rather than just being given support.
They fear that pupils who are quiet at school could be diagnosed with “social anxiety disorder” while those who become withdrawn after suffering a bereavement are classified as having a “depressive disorder”.
Children who just talk back to adults or lose their temper regularly could be diagnosed with “oppositional defiant disorder”.
As a result, those found to have these increasingly broad mental disorders could be prescribed powerful medication such as Prozac or Ritalin to control or alter their behaviour. Read more
While cow’s milk remains one of America’s most common daily drinks, it is interesting to note that it may also be the reason why many Americans experience gas, bloating, mucous and other forms of indigestion.
Moreover, in a world where the common cow is pumped full of growth hormones, antibiotics, GMO feed, vaccinations and exposed to toxic conditions, it is no wonder that many humans experience negative effects of consuming pasteurized cow milk.
Goat’s milk is a much healthier alternative, especially if it is consumed raw and from a good organic source. The most common form of milk used on a global scale, it is estimated that around three fourths of the milk consumed worldwide comes from goats, not cows. And most of the people drinking this milk are not fat and do not have allergies or digestive complaints.
The Benefits of Goat Milk
Goat’s milk offers a wide variety of health benefits, with very few of the negative side effects of drinking regular cow milk. Read more
Middle-aged men who take steps to improve their heart health by eating better, getting more exercise, or taking cholesterol-lowering drugs may end up improving their sex lives as well, according to a new analysis of existing research.
Nearly 1 in 5 men in the U.S. has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, a condition known as erectile dysfunction (ED). The new study, which appears this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, suggests that ED drugs such as Viagra aren't the only solution and aren't always enough to address the problem, says coauthor Dr. Stephen Kopecky, M.D., a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
"If you do take care of your lifestyle—eating right, exercising, losing weight—you respond much better to the Viagra, the Levitra, the Cialis," Kopecky says. By the same token, he adds, if these drugs become less effective "that should be a sign need to take care of your lifestyle.'" Read more
The symptoms can be abject misery: searing abdominal pain, debilitating stomach cramps, an excruciating, rising burn, acid-filled hiccups, tightened throat, constant sleep disturbance, and even the rare but terrifying bouts of choking from nighttime acid inhalation. I’m talking of course about acid reflux or GERD as it’s commonly called these days. I personally suffered from occasional bouts of GERD and experienced all the symptoms above for years during and even after my endurance days. (It wasn’t until I gave up grains that my GERD completely disappeared.) Maybe you’ve had it. Maybe you know someone who’s had it. GERD, by the way, isn’t your run-of-the-mill occasional heartburn (which isn’t much fun either) but a chronic pattern of heartburn in which you experience symptoms at least a few times a week. I get emails about it all the time, and it’s little wonder. Statistics suggest that 25-30% of American adults experience GERD related heartburn multiple times a week (PDF). Of all the pharmaceutical categories, proton pump inhibitors (a predominant prescription for GERD) have ranked consistently in the top twenty for years. And that doesn’t even take into account the old-fashioned antacids like Tums and Rolaids that people pop like candy. What, for the love, is going on here? It used to be heartburn was generally confined to women in their last months of pregnancy or to the annual Thanksgiving overindulgence. It certainly wasn’t a chronic condition plaguing a large percentage of the population. I sense a familiar pattern here, no? Read more
Despite following all the healthy eating advice about getting your five a day, experts suggest many of us lack the vitamins and minerals essential for keeping us fighting fit.
Though we are advised to try to get as many of these as possible through our diet, pills may help top up our levels.
Indeed, a recent study revealed that you will recover from a cold 40 per cent quicker if you take zinc supplements.
So, what other symptoms and ailments indicate a nutritional deficiency?
Here, we reveal which vitamins and minerals your body may be lacking, and how to boost your levels. Read more